How to Do Self-Hypnosis

How to Do Self-Hypnosis

Self-hypnosis can be beneficial in every aspect of your life, and each time you practice it, your subconscious mind will accept any and all of the suggestions you give it while under self-hypnosis. The first time you practice self-hypnosis you may feel strange about actually doing it, but you will realize the benefits after the first few sessions, even sooner. Remember, the subconscious mind is the key to free you of all mental blocks, fears, phobias, work ethic problems, personal problems, addictions, emotional baggage and stumbling blocks that you currently have in your life. Self-hypnosis will rid you of all that's stopping you from living your life to the fullest, by making suggestions to your subconscious mind. You have the power to change your life. Read on to learn how to do self-hypnosis.

Things You'll Need:


Comfy couch

Peaceful surroundings

Low lights


Prepare yourself for your session by setting aside enough peaceful quiet time to really relax and be comfortable, without worrying about what's going to happen after your session, like driving the kids to their dental appointments and other errands. You must forget all other tasks and just concentrate on you and your session, and that's all. Decide what suggestions you will give to your subconscious mind once you are in a self-induced hypnotic trance.


Find a comfortable position and relax your legs, your arms and your whole body. Breathe easy and relax. Relax and clear your mind. Concentrate on you. You are feeling very relaxed and peaceful. Calm and peace surround you.


Count in your mind from one to 20. With each count you can feel yourself going deeper and deeper into your hypnotic trance. Allow yourself to do this and feel yourself going deeper and deeper.


Give your subconscious mind the suggestions you decided on in Step 1. You may even give your subconscious a post-hypnotic suggestion, such as cigarettes will taste like soap, if you are trying to give up smoking. You can do this; you have the power.


When you are satisfied that all your suggestions have been conveyed to your subconscious mind, then you can start to come out of your trance by slowly counting backwards from 20 to the number one. At the count of one, you will feel refreshed, awake and calm. Do try this self-hypnotic technique to help you over seemingly insurmountable problems and blocks in your life.

Tips & Warnings

Always practice self-hypnosis where you won't be disturbed.

Always allow yourself to be calm and peaceful during a session.

Relax and breathe while "deepening."

Never use hypnosis as a parlor game. Hypnosis is a very powerful tool that works.

How to Do Scalp Calisthenics for Headache Relief

How to Do Scalp Calisthenics for Headache Relief

If you suffer from occasional tension headaches, cluster headaches or migraines, you might find that some simple scalp calisthenics can be very helpful. At the very least, learning to control and relax the muscles in your scalp can usually minimize the severity and duration of the headache. If the calisthenics are done as soon as you feel the onset of the headache, they can often eliminate the headache entirely.


Sit quietly in a dark room and turn on some relaxing music. If you aren't at home, try to find a comfortable area where you won't be interrupted for a few minutes.


Concentrate on relaxing your entire body, focusing especially on your head and neck area. Breathe deeply.


Stretch and extend your fingers, and place your fingertips on each side of your head. With the soft, fleshy pads of your fingers, begin massaging your scalp, moving each finger in tiny circles. Be sure to use your thumbs too, because they can often apply more pressure.


Continue massaging in small circles, using medium to firm pressure, as you move your hands very slowly around your entire scalp area. Remember to relax and breathe normally as you massage. If you feel discomfort, decrease the pressure slightly.


Keep your fingertips in place on your scalp, and massage for several seconds in long, sweeping motions. Continue over the entire scalp.


Take a few seconds to breathe deeply and relax as you end your scalp calisthentics.

How to Do Sahaja Yoga Meditation

How to Do Sahaja Yoga Meditation

Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi developed Sahaja Yoga in the 1970's, and the technique is practiced around the world. Many followers believe that you can only learn Sahaja Yoga meditation with the guidance of a spiritual leader.


Look for workshops of Sahaja Yoga centers in your area. There are Sahaja Yoga meditation centers found round the world where you can explore your inner self through guided meditations. True Sahaja Yoga centers are grassroots, non-profit organizations and you will not be charged for classes and services. The goal of Sahaja Yoga is to make the practice available to each and every person who desires it, for free.


Know that Sahaja Yoga focuses on energy centers in the body, which you can release to help you realize your true self and unleash dormant energy. This awakening begins with kundalini energy, or the energy which "sleeps" at the base of your spine. Guided meditations will help you to feel and discover this energy within you.


Learn to recognize the energy flowing through your chakras, or energy centers in the body, to help free your mind. With time and practice of Sahaja Yoga meditation you will begin to feel tingling sensations as well as sensations of hot and cold. It is believed that heat denotes problems in chakras, where coolness is a sign of energetic cleansing.


Attend Sahaja Yoga meetings and meditations to help you experience what it is like. With time, you will become familiar with the techniques and will be able to practice your meditation at home as well

How to Do Sahaj Marg Meditation

How to Do Sahaj Marg Meditation

Sahaj Marg, or the "natural path." is an ancient spiritual teaching. This technique focuses on heart-centered meditation and is a simple practice which you can easily adapt. It requires no rituals or ceremonies. You need othing more than the power of thought.


Practice Sahaj Marg meditation in the early morning for at least 1 hour and complete the meditation before sunrise. As the sun sets, perform an evening cleansing meditation for at least 30 minutes, completing it as the sun goes down.


Sit in a comfortable position with your eyes shut and concentrate on your heart filled with "Divine Light." Assume a position which is comfortable for you and where you can remain still for about an hour. Do not lie down to meditate, or you may fall asleep.


Concentrate on filling your heart and mind with loving energy and healing light. As thoughts enter your mind, allow them to drift away and come back to your heart-centered meditation. In Sahaj Marg meditation, all thoughts come from within, and they linger only if you give them attention. If you allow your thoughts to fall away, they will become weak as your meditation becomes strong.


Continue your meditation for about an hour until the sun rises, and then prepare for your day with new found energy.


Finish each day with an evening Sahaj Marg meditation, sitting for about 30 minutes as you allow the thoughts and stresses of the day to fall away as the sun sets.

How to Do Reiki

How to Do Reiki

Reiki is a type of healing in which the healer places his hands on or over the receiver. The healer then concentrates on allowing a channel to open within his body to conduct universal healing energy into the affected area. Reiki originally came from Japan, where one man discovered this energy and passed it on to his followers through initiation. Today, practitioners of Reiki have received this energy through chains of initiation that began with this man. However, there are many similar styles of healing that have been prevalent in different places and throughout history. If you have not been initiated, then you can't technically do Reiki, but here's how to do the basic method using universal currents of healing energy.


Create a calm and comfortable situation. The Reiki receiver should recline or sit comfortably. The giver should be able to move around the receiver's body easily. Both should be free from unnecessary distractions. Using aromatherapy or gentle music can help to create a healing atmosphere.


Place your hands on (or a few inches over) the part of the body that most requires healing. Hold your fingers and thumbs together, rather than spread. This can help to contain and direct the energy.


Try to feel universal energy as a tingling or warmth flowing down through the crown of your head, through your throat, neck, chest, arms, and out your fingers and hands into the body of the person you are working on.


Allow your intuition to guide your movements. Stay in each area for at least a few minutes, or until you feel the energy flow more slowly. Work over the rest of the body, or at least any areas that you think may need more healing energy. Don't touch any areas that would be considered inappropriate. In these areas, hold your hands at least an inch or so above the body. When you move, move one hand at a time so that you maintain contact as much as possible.


Practice this technique for at least a few minutes every day. You can practice on other people, yourself or even on plants and animals. Practicing Reiki regularly will usually increase the strength of the energetic flow and your ease in working with it.


Make sure to concentrate on the energy coming into your body as well as being directed through your hands. Otherwise, you may deplete your own supply of energy during healings, rather than drawing on universal currents.

Tips & Warnings

Some people can feel universal healing energy more easily by imagining it coming up from the earth through the soles of their feet, or by using a combination of this method and the crown method.

How to Do Reiki Hand Positions

How to Do Reiki Hand Positions

Reiki is an ancient healing technique which utilizes the life energy found in everyone and everything in the universe. To properly perform Reiki you need to have an atonement so energy can flow unhindered. A Reiki master will also teach you how to place your hands to promote better energy flow to specific areas.

Things You'll Need:

Your hands


Place Hands together over the face with thumbs touching the base of the nose.


Put Right and Left hand fingers over the temples then bring wrists together so they touch. Your hands will look like a headband.


Place Hands placed at either side of the head cupped over the ears.


Cradle the head by cupping hands under the head with the sides of the hands touching each other.


Touch the collar bone with the right and left fingers with the index fingers slightly touching each other. The side of the hand also touches along the declate. Careful not to touch the neck itself.


Rest hands over the breast bone and the collar bone, the heels of your hands will rest on the shoulder muscles beside the neck.


Place one hand on the breast bone with fingers facing toward the head, the other hand touching the heel of the lead hand forming an upside down T.


Place right and left hands directly under the breast area over the ribs pointed away from you.


Keep hands in the same position as step 8, but put them over the middle of the stomach by the navel.


Put your hands on the pubic bone Careful not to touch in uncomfortable areas, keep. Both hands should be facing away from you, if they follow the pubic bone properly they will form into a V.


Place one hand above, and one hand below the knee cap holding lightly.


Put one hand above and one hand below the ankle area holding lightly.


Ask your client to lay on their stomach.


Place your hands on their back in a V by the nape of the neck and spread out over the shoulders. The tips of the index fingers should be touching.


Place hands on shoulder blades facing away from you so that they cover across the back.


Keep hands in same position as step 15 an place on the middle of the back.


Keep hands in same position as step 15 an place on the small of the back right above the glutes.

Tips & Warnings

It is important with Reiki that you allow it to work and only to guide it to its purpose on which you are using it.

Some positions may be uncomfortable for you or your client, find another way to place the hands if this is evident.

Some clients may have an emotional release and start crying or laughing uncontrollably. They may even start confessing feelings to you. It is important that you have no reaction aside from support and acceptance to make the client feel safe.

How to do Reflexology

How to do Reflexology

The ancient art of reflexology has been studied for centuries by the Chinese, Egyptians and the Japanese. All have had archaeological evidence uncovered that substantiates the theory that they practiced the ancient healing techniques of reflexology. Unlike massage therapy, oil, lotions and potions are not traditionally used. The method is a hands-on technique to ascertain reflex points on the hands and feet that correlate to all parts of the body. Rediscovered in the 19th century, reflexology is slowly making a comeback in the field of natural healing techniques. Reflexology is also a natural stress-reducer that restores equilibrium to the body.


Find a comfortable position to sit down in and try to relax. If your feet get a little ticklish or tender after the session, this feeling will pass with more reflexology sessions.


As each area of your hands are worked on and the reflex points are found, your reflexologist will explain areas which he believes are of concern. Your reaction as each division of your hands are worked on, is key to translating to the reflexologist which areas of your body need attention. You will discover a lot about your body in your very first session.


After working on your hands, the reflexologist will work on each foot independently. As he works, he will interpret by your reactions, discovering more about your body and internal organs. As he discovers your body's needs, he will convey his findings to you. It's basically up to you to do something about your reflexologist's findings. The reflexologist is not a medical doctor or internist and cannot prescribe medicine or any physical therapy you might need.


You can practice reflexology on your own in between sessions, by buying a foot roller to work your feet while you are in a sitting position with nothing much else to do. Get some quality relaxation and get your body back on track while riding on a bus, waiting to pick up your kids or watching a movie in your favorite armchair.

Tips & Warnings

Try to work your feet for a little while each day. You'll be surprised how much stress this action will reduce and how much better you will be able to cope with the tension of everyday life.

How to Treat Health Problems Through Trepanation

How to Treat Health Problems Through Trepanation

Trepanation is the practice of drilling a hole into the skull for medical purposes. It is usually only used in the direst of medical circumstances, such as a blood clot in the brain, a partial collapse of the skull or a subdural or epidural hematoma. Trepanation relieves pressure from the brain, which can cause brain damage or death. However, it has also become a form of alternative medicine, used to treat several less severe conditions. Trepanation has been used since before recorded history to treat all sorts of afflictions, including seizures and mental illness.

Things You'll Need:

Computer with Internet access

Licensed medical doctor

Treat Health Problems Through Trepanation


Learn the types of health problems that can be treated with trepanation. Some believe that trepanation can be used to treat migraines, stress, depression and chronic fatigue. Trepanation is most commonly used to treat subdural and epidural hematomas. A subdural hematoma, usually caused by tears in veins in the brain, occurs when blood manages to breach the protective outer layer (dura mater) of the brain, and collect in the middle layer, called the arachnoid. An epidural hematoma is a buildup of blood between the dura mater and the skull. In both these cases, trepanation is the only way to remove the hematoma.


Know the difference between necessary and elective trepanation. For the treatment of brain trauma, a doctor must get through the skull in order to treat the problems beneath it, or the patient will likely die. For the treatment of migraines, stress, depression and fatigue, it is believed that trepanation will help balance the flow of blood through the brain to improve overall physical and mental health.


Talk to a licensed medical doctor about trepanation and whether or not it might be a good option for you.


Learn more about the procedure of trepanation and read a list of signs and symptoms of the diseases that can be treated through trepanation by visiting the World Health Organization's page on cranial burr holes (see Resources below).


Decide, with the help of your doctor, whether to undergo trepanation. If you decide to go ahead with it, be sure it is performed by a licensed medical doctor at a state-accredited facility.


Follow your doctor's instructions in the days and weeks after the surgery to ensure timely recovery.

Tips & Warnings

Like any surgical procedure, trepanation can be very expensive.

Trepanation should only be performed by, and at the advice of, a licensed medical doctor. Before you start any alternative medical technique, be aware that many have not been scientifically evaluated. Often, only limited information is available about their safety and effectiveness. Each state and each discipline has its own rules about how alternative medicine practitioners can be professionally licensed. If you decide to visit one, choose one licensed by a recognized national organization. Consult your primary health care provider about your decision first. Keep your doctor informed about the alternative medical technique you undertake.

With trepanation comes a high risk of infection, sepsis and severe brain damage, either as a result of a botched surgery, or simply because the brain is exposed. Contact a doctor immediately at the first sign of infection.

How to Treat Children Through Chiropractic Care

How to Treat Children Through Chiropractic Care

Many chiropractic care centers now treat
and even babies on a regular basis. It is said that children's breathing, sleeping and nursing difficulties, colic, chronic infections and allergies could be related to problems with their spines treatable through pediatric chiropractic care. Chiropractors treat the whole body by adjusting the vertebrae of the spine and neck.

Things You'll Need:

Computer with Internet access

Treat Children Through Chiropractic Care


Visit the Web site for the International Chiropractic Pediatric Association (see Resources below). There you'll find useful information about the kinds of relief you can expect to find for your child through chiropractic care.


View the information about pediatric care through chiropractic facilities. Look at the various symptoms treated and the reasons why you should take your child to see a chiropractor.


Use the International Chiropractic Pediatric Association Website to find chiropractors with specific credentials for treating children. If you don't see your chiropractor on the list and you want to remain with that practice, ask questions.


Find out how many children your personal chiropractor has treated and for what reasons. Feel comfortable about his or her level of experience before you take a chance with your child's well-being.


Learn more about pediatric chiropractic care by reading the book 'Pediatric Chiropractic' (see Resources below).

Tips & Warnings

Fees for each chiropractic visit will range from inexpensive to moderately priced.

Check out your chiropractor's credentials as they apply to children to make sure he or she has extensive experience adjusting juveniles. Kids have very unique needs and require unique treatment plans.

If your child develops any new symptoms or experiences severe reactions, such as vomiting or extreme pain, contact your child's medical doctor at once.

Children are incredibly resilient, and will 'shake off' the injuries of playground tussles. But sometimes a minor injury, particularly during specific growth periods, can lead to trouble in adulthood if not treated.

Before you start any alternative medical technique, be aware that many have not been scientifically evaluated. Often, only limited information is available about their safety and effectiveness. Each state and discipline has its own rules about how alternative medicine practitioners are licensed. If you decide to visit one, choose one licensed by a recognized national organization. Consult your primary health care provider and keep your doctor informed about the alternative medical technique you undertake.

How to Stop Chiropractic Care Once You've Started It

How to Stop Chiropractic Care Once You've Started It

Chiropractic care is based on the manipulation of your spine. The accepted theory of chiropractic treatment is that restoring the proper alignment of your spinal column will allow the body to heal itself. Most chiropractors rely on a treatment plan calling for an extended schedule of return visits. However, you may find that you want to stop treatments sooner than recommended.

Things You'll Need:

Computer with Internet access

Stop Chiropractic Care Once You've Started It


Determine your reasons for wanting to stop your chiropractic treatment once you've already started it. Evaluate the level of your current pain. If the pain has improved, ask if there would be any serious setbacks if you stopped your visits.


Discuss with your chiropractor what the options might be if you feel that your pain has not diminished since you started. Question why you may feel worse or have new pain somewhere else because of the treatments.


Ask yourself if you've given your course of treatment enough time to be successful. Did you have a clear understanding from your chiropractor about how many visits would be required? Give yourself (and your chiropractor) enough time to help your body heal.


Determine whether your reason for stopping your visits is based on a personality issue. That scenario would indicate finding a new chiropractor or at least requesting a different practitioner within the office.


Visit your medical doctor. Discuss your concerns and reasons for wanting to stop your chiropractic care.


Share your feelings about your chiropractor online at the 'Rate Your Chiropractors' Web site (see Resources below). You can also research your chiropractor to see whether anyone else has rated them or their practice.

Tips & Warnings

Costs for chiropractic care are generally moderate. Ask your provider what his or her policy is on refunds, if you've paid for several appointments that you don't want to use.

Do not hesitate to question your chiropractor's plan for treatment. If you don't want to complete the full program because of a personality issue, look for another chiropractor. If you want to stop because you don't feel you're being helped, see your medical doctor for an evaluation.

If you experience any sudden change in your overall health after starting your treatments, advise your medical doctor immediately.

Before you start any alternative medical technique, be aware that many have not been scientifically evaluated. Often, only limited information is available about their safety and effectiveness. Each state and discipline has its own rules about how alternative medicine practitioners are licensed. If you decide to visit one, choose one licensed by a recognized national organization. Consult your primary health care provider and keep your doctor informed about the alternative medical technique you undertake.

How to Sign up for Chiropractic Newsletters

How to Sign up for Chiropractic Newsletters

You have many opportunities to sign up online for chiropractic newsletters and most of them are free. Some require that you register with that organization or Web site. These registrations are either free or require a small membership fee. Chiropractor care focuses on the realignment of the spinal column in order to relieve undue pressure on the nerves or vertebrae. This is said to promote healing and is used to treat headaches, back pain and fibromyalgia, among other conditions.

Things You'll Need:

Computer with Internet access

Sign Up for Chiropractic Newsletters


Make sure the newsletter you choose matches your level of expertise. Professional chiropractors will be bored by newsletters aimed at lay people, and novices will be baffled by newsletters aimed at experts.


Sign up for the Planet newsletter and email alerts (see Resources below). You will have access to information about treatments and issues related to operating a chiropractic practice. This insight may give you a better understanding of how your own chiropractor operates and also keeps you abreast of upcoming legislation affecting chiropractic care.


Find free newsletters on many subjects related to alternative medicine and alternative treatments at ChiroFind (see Resources below).


Decide on your scope of interest. For a broad overview of current chiropractic issues nationwide, include national or international organizations on your list of newsletters. If you just want to know what's up at your own chiropractor, you only need that specific newsletter. Ask your chiropractor's office staff if they have a newsletter or other ways of communicating with patients.

Tips & Warnings

Not everything you see in writing is necessarily true.

Don't take recommendations in a newsletter specific to one practice without making sure the cited sources are reputable and credible.

Do not let advice from these brochures override advice from your medical doctor. If you experience any sudden health changes, like shortness of breath or weakness in joints or muscles, contact your medical doctor right away.

Before you start any alternative medical technique, be aware that many have not been scientifically evaluated. Often, only limited information is available about their safety and effectiveness. Each state and discipline has its own rules about how alternative medicine practitioners are licensed. If you decide to visit one, choose one licensed by a recognized national organization. Consult your primary health care provider and keep your doctor informed about the alternative medical technique you undertake.

How to Shop for Chiropractic Products

How to Shop for Chiropractic Products

Your chiropractor or physical therapist may recommend various products such as braces or wraps to help with recovery from your injury and to help stabilize of support the injured body part. You can buy many types of pain-reducing products, sleep aids, cushions, pillows, and exercise aids online. The chiropractor may suggest stores that carry these items.

Things You'll Need:

Computer with Internet access

Credit card for online purchases

Shop for Chiropractic Products


Ask your chiropractor if they suggest any products to help with your recovery.


Ask if you can get a prescription for the brace, support, or pain reducing aid that your chiropractor wants you to use. Your insurance may reimburse part of the cost with a prescription.


Shop online for products you'll need. Choose from lumbar supports, braces, ice 'magic' packs, cervical collars and much more. Visit the Bodyline Comfort Systems Web site to access a wide selection (see Resources below).


Ask your chiropractor if he has used this product and may have one that you can try on for size or fit.


Shop online at for cervical pillows, lumber supports, hot and cold packs and other products (see Resources below).

Tips & Warnings

Before you start any alternative medical technique, be aware that many have not been scientifically evaluated. Often, only limited information is available about their safety and effectiveness. Each state and discipline has its own rules about how alternative medicine practitioners are licensed. If you decide to visit one, choose one licensed by a recognized national organization. Consult your primary health care provider and keep your doctor informed about the alternative medical technique you undertake.

Don't believe everything you read.

How to Cope with a Broken High Heal

How to Cope with a Broken High Heal

It can happen at the worst possible time: a heel breaks on one of your shoes. The higher the heel, the more obvious this will be. Find out how to cope if this ever happens to you, but remember that having a positive attitude will go a long way toward not ruining your entire day or night!

Things You'll Need:

High heel shoes

Backup pair of shoes

Strong glue

Cope with a Broken High Heel


Stop walking once you realize your heel is broken. This will probably occur immediately after the break because the difference in heel heights will make it difficult to continue walking in your regular fashion.


Find your heel and inspect the break area on the heel as well as on the shoe.


See if the break is even and can be easily repaired.


Apply strong glue if you've come prepared and have some with you. If not, you may be able to find a store nearby and buy glue.


Hold the heel to the shoe for several minutes until the glue is dry.


Slip the shoe back on your foot and see if the shoe feels secure as you walk. If there's any wobbling, the heel is probably not secure. You can either hold the heel to the shoe longer or give up.


Slip on your backup pair of shoes if you've come prepared. You can repair your broken heel once you get home.

Tips & Warnings

If you don't have a spare pair of shoes or strong glue for repairs, you may have to cut your outing short unless you don't mind walking in shoes with one high heel and one without.

It's a good idea to keep an extra pair of shoes in your car or at your desk at work for times like this.

A shoe with chunky heels will probably be easier to repair than stiletto heels.

Don't try to walk in shoes whose heels you haven't been able to properly repair. You could twist your ankle if the heel breaks again as you're walking.

How to Coordinate Sandals With a New Spring Wardrobe

How to Coordinate Sandals With a New Spring Wardrobe

One of the biggest dilemmas in planning a new spring wardrobe is the need to coordinate the accessories.


come in a variety of styles and many colors, and choosing the best complement to your wardrobe can be a challenge. Fashion trends are ever changing, and sandals are always part of the change.


Coordinate the color of your sandals to your new spring wardrobe. To coordinate does not necessarily mean to match. Instead of actually matching the color of your shorts or tees, choose a complementary color.


Choose sandals and a bag to coordinate an outfit. Carrying a black bag with brown sandals or wearing silver sandals and carrying a white bag gives a contrast that is complementary without being overpowering in one color.


Wear sandals with ornamentation to coordinate with your new spring wardrobe. A low wedge in natural tones with multi-colored gemstones is good to wear with many outfits.


Choose sandals in a color just slightly darker than

for coordination with any new spring outfit. The extension of the natural color of your legs gives the appearance of longer legs.


Wear an asymmetrical hem silk skirt and a sleeveless top and slide into a pair of t-strap sandals for an eye-catching casual appeal. Alternate wearing contrasting colors of sandals with color-coordinated sandals for a unique look every time.


Coordinate your jewelry with the type of sandals for spring. Casual jewelry such as fun color hoop earrings and necklaces are a natural with slides or low-wedge heels. Precious or semi-precious jewelry is complemented by high-heeled sandals adorned with a touch of elegance.


Enjoy the comfort of flip-flops when you wear shorts or capris. Flip-flops are available in a variety of colors, and are usually inexpensive. Mix or match your outfit when you keep several colors in your closet.

Tips & Warnings

Choose the type of thong by the shape of your foot and toes. Some thongs are set with a strap that is too short for women with long toes. Sandals should fit where the heel can lift slightly without causing stress on the straps while walking

Buy your sandals when you find a new outfit. Don't trust your memory to get the right colors.

If you want to wear sandals, but have an unsteady gait, consider wearing a sandal with tie straps around the ankle to keep the sandal from slipping around under your foot.

How to Coordinate Hats to a New Spring Wardrobe

How to Coordinate Hats to a New Spring Wardrobe

Coordinating hats and clothes isn't just about choosing colors that match. It is also about bringing together fabrics, styles and shapes that suit the wearer. When you know how to coordinate hats to your new spring wardrobe, you can spend all winter looking forward to making a splash.

Things You'll Need:


Go Lighter and Brighter


Choose spring hats in the same color family as your wardrobe. If the colors don't match completely, choose a lighter hat, which will work well throughout spring and into summer. A dark hat will look wintery and create the opposite effect from the one you were seeking.


Choose bright hats for a neutral wardrobe. If you prefer to wear clothes in beige, taupe and brown, this is one instance when you do not want your hat to match your wardrobe. Instead, use your hat as a spot of easy-to-wear color, such as a cherry-red cap atop a white pantsuit or a sage-colored bucket hat worn with a khaki skirt.


Look for reversible hats. These not only give you two easy looks in one, but the colored underside of the brims will actually lend brightness to your face.

Work Out a Budget


Price any hats you are considering and divide your hat budget by this number. However, if you can only afford one new spring hat, choose one in a neutral color. Select a hat that can be easily trimmed and personalized with pins or scarves, coordinating with each outfit.


Check out discount stores for hats. Remember, you only need to like the actual crown itself. Most embellishments can be removed and replaced with accessories you already own.


Add light-colored ribbons to your favorite straw hat to update it for pennies. Buy a ribbon to coordinate with each outfit, and have a hat with a new look every day.

Tips & Warnings

Do buy hats within your comfort range, especially if you can only budget for one or two new hats to coordinate with your spring wardrobe. If you spend your hat allowance on a topper that is elegant and striking, but that you will feel too self-conscious to wear frequently, you'll be left without an everyday hat and be right back where you started.

How to Coordinate Colors

How to Coordinate Colors

Coordinating colors is important in both fashion and interior design. Here are a few basic steps to coordinate colors when decorating your home or buying clothing for yourself or others.


Have a color chart handy that has all the primary, secondary and tertiary colors. Using a color chart will help you see what colors blend well together without guessing. A color chart is also very helpful when choosing paints and blending the right colors together when decorating your home.


Place different patterns and solids together to discover which ones go well and blend well together. It is more than okay to mix and match colors and even patterns with other patterns as long as it blends well together. This works with buying clothes or even decorating your home.


Choose colors that compliment your skin tone when buying clothes.


Use a makeup book that reveals the colors that go best with certain skin tones to get an idea of what color makeup best suits your skin tone when buying makeup.

How to Coordinate an Umbrella With an Outfit

How to Coordinate an Umbrella With an Outfit

The purpose of an umbrella is simple: to keep you dry when it's raining. Umbrellas, however, are not just about function, but also about fashion. There was a time when umbrellas were as much a fashion accessory as a


is today, but over the years, that status has faded. The advent of the cheap tote umbrella eclipsed the stylish umbrella. In recent years, however, the fashionable umbrella has made a resurgence, and now you can and should coordinate your umbrella with your outfit to make a chic fashion statement.


Move beyond basic black. While a black umbrella may match a lot of outfits, it's not really a fashion statement if everyone has the same umbrella. If you want to


a black umbrella, look for one with a subtle pattern or design to make it more original.


Accent your outfit with your umbrella. Rather than matching a gray suit with a gray umbrella, match the umbrella to an accent color in your outfit like the color of your blouse or scarf. This will make your umbrella stand out instead of blend in.


Match the patterns in your raincoat to the patterns in your umbrella. If you are wearing polka dots, opt for a polka-dot umbrella. Even if the colors don't quite match, the patterns will communicate the theme nicely.


Consider a monochromatic look. A great way to incorporate an umbrella into your outfit is to wear different shades of the same color. This can work for umbrellas with or without patterns.


Coordinate the handle of your umbrella to your shoes or bag. You can find umbrellas with leather, rattan and wood handles that can match your other accessories. Handles also come in various colors and with designs of their own.


Take a page out of Tokyo fashion photos. In Tokyo, umbrellas are as essential an accessory as great shoes. Check out Japanese fashion magazines for examples of how to incorporate umbrellas into your wardrobe.

Tips & Warnings

Look online for fashionable umbrella retailers. The market for these type of umbrellas isn't that big just yet, so you might have trouble finding a wide assortment in brick-and-mortar stores.

Buy several different umbrellas to match various outfits. Like handbags, you need to have multiple options available.

Umbrella fashion isn't just for women. Men can coordinate their umbrella selection with their suit color for a polished look.

Steer clear of the five-dollar totes for anything but travel purposes. These umbrellas are as disposable as paper plates and will succumb to even a light gust of wind.

How to Convert Women's Clothing Sizes

How to Convert Women's Clothing Sizes

As more clothing from around the world is purchased over the Internet, it is helpful to be able to convert American sizes to sizes from other countries. American sizes can vary among manufacturers, so use these conversions only as a guide.


If you wish to convert from American sizes to British clothing sizes, add 2 to the American or Canadian size. In the United States and Canada, a size 2 is equivalent to a British size 4, a 6 to an 8, 8 to 10 and so on.


When converting from American sizes to French sizes, you need to add 30 to the American/Canadian size. Thus a 2 is equivalent to a 32, a 4 is a 34 in French sizing, 6 becomes 36 and so on.


For German sizing, you will need to add 28 to the American/Canadian size. Thus an American 2 becomes a German 30, a 14 is a 42.


Italian sizing is determined by adding 34 to the American/Canadian size. An American size 2 becomes an Italian size 36, a 4 becomes a 38 and so on.


Australian sizes are determined by adding the number 4 to the American size. A 2 becomes an Australian 6, a 10 becomes a 14.


The Japanese conversion becomes an odd number. To get the correct Japanese size, you need to add the number 3 to the American/Canadian size. An American size 2 becomes a Japanese size 5, a 4 becomes a 7 and so on.

Tips & Warnings

American clothing cuts tend to be roomier than their European counterparts. You may need to go up a size.

Before ordering any sizes, check if the clothing manufacturer provides sizing charts.

How to Convert Men's to Women's Shoe Sizes

How to Convert Men's to Women's Shoe Sizes

There are a few shoes that look great both on men and women. And frequently women can't find the right shoe in the women's department, especially in sporting shoes. But men's and women's shoe sizes are so different. If you can find the right shoe for your gender in your size, you can figure out which size to look for it in the men's aisle.


Measure your foot. You either can go to any shoe store and have them size you or simply trace your shoeless foot onto a piece of paper. With a tape measure or ruler, measure the length of the outline in inches. You also can take look inside your shoes for the size.


Convert men's shoe size to women's. Just subtract two sizes from the men's size. For example, if you wear a size 9 in women's shoes, you would most likely wear a size 7 in men's. That is a general rule and it can vary depending on the cut of the shoe, so try on the shoes.


Check the guides when you can't try on the shoes. Different manufacturers and brands of shoes have slightly different sizing guides. If you're buying over the Internet, look for those guides on their websites. To covert the shoe sizes to men's from women's, follow the guides. If they don't have one, go with the two-size rule. Make sure the company has a liberal return policy in case the shoes don't fit.

Tips & Warnings

There is no standard shoe size. There are three different length sizing systems that shoes are marked with. Which sizing system is used will depend on who the manufacturer is and where the shoes were made. For instance, Italian-made shoes will be sized differently than American-made shoes. The only measurement they have in common is that each full size is one third of an inch longer than the previous size and women's shoes are marked 1 1/2 to 2 sizes different than a man's.

How to Connect a Round Crochet Lace Tablecloth to a Circle Skirt

How to Connect a Round Crochet Lace Tablecloth to a Circle Skirt

You found a beautiful round crochet lace tablecloth and would like to attach it to a simple circle skirt. But how do you do that and not ruin the tablecloth? It really isn't that difficult and in no time you have a unique and beautiful skirt. Read on to learn how to connect a round crochet lace tablecloth to a circle skirt.

Things You'll Need:

Round crochet lace tablecloth

Circle skirt

Tape measure


Safety pin

Straight pins

Hemming tape

Cording or yarn

Sewing machine or needle and thread


Lay the round tablecloth on a surface so it lays flat. Lay the circle skirt on top of it. Make sure that the tablecloth is at least 2 inches longer than the skirt to allow for a waistband on the tablecloth.


Find the center of the tablecloth. You can do this by either measuring or folding it, meeting the edges and locating the center. Mark the center with a safety pin.


Measure the length of the circle skirt; add 2 inches. Measure that length from the edge of the tablecloth towards the center. Snip the tablecloth at that point. Carefully separate the threads until it begins unraveling towards the center of the tablecloth. When you have unraveled that first row, the center of the tablecloth will come off. Cut the excess thread on the tablecloth and tie the end. This will become the waistband.


Pin the hemming tape to the waistband of the crocheted lace. Stitch using either a sewing machine or needle and thread.


Slip the circle skirt under the crochet lace. Fold the 2 inches of the lace waistband with the hemming tape over the circle skirt waistband. Thread some cording or yarn through the crochet lace waistband so you can adjust it to fit the circle skirt waistband. Pin the lace waistband to the circle skirt waistband. Stitch.


Thread elastic on the underside of the lace waistband. Try the skirt on and adjust the elastic to fit. Pin the elastic at that point and stitch. Remove pin and cut excess elastic.

Tips & Warnings

Don't machine wash this skirt. Hand wash and hang to dry.