How to Do Self-Hypnosis

How to Do Self-Hypnosis

Self-hypnosis can be beneficial in every aspect of your life, and each time you practice it, your subconscious mind will accept any and all of the suggestions you give it while under self-hypnosis. The first time you practice self-hypnosis you may feel strange about actually doing it, but you will realize the benefits after the first few sessions, even sooner. Remember, the subconscious mind is the key to free you of all mental blocks, fears, phobias, work ethic problems, personal problems, addictions, emotional baggage and stumbling blocks that you currently have in your life. Self-hypnosis will rid you of all that's stopping you from living your life to the fullest, by making suggestions to your subconscious mind. You have the power to change your life. Read on to learn how to do self-hypnosis.

Things You'll Need:


Comfy couch

Peaceful surroundings

Low lights


Prepare yourself for your session by setting aside enough peaceful quiet time to really relax and be comfortable, without worrying about what's going to happen after your session, like driving the kids to their dental appointments and other errands. You must forget all other tasks and just concentrate on you and your session, and that's all. Decide what suggestions you will give to your subconscious mind once you are in a self-induced hypnotic trance.


Find a comfortable position and relax your legs, your arms and your whole body. Breathe easy and relax. Relax and clear your mind. Concentrate on you. You are feeling very relaxed and peaceful. Calm and peace surround you.


Count in your mind from one to 20. With each count you can feel yourself going deeper and deeper into your hypnotic trance. Allow yourself to do this and feel yourself going deeper and deeper.


Give your subconscious mind the suggestions you decided on in Step 1. You may even give your subconscious a post-hypnotic suggestion, such as cigarettes will taste like soap, if you are trying to give up smoking. You can do this; you have the power.


When you are satisfied that all your suggestions have been conveyed to your subconscious mind, then you can start to come out of your trance by slowly counting backwards from 20 to the number one. At the count of one, you will feel refreshed, awake and calm. Do try this self-hypnotic technique to help you over seemingly insurmountable problems and blocks in your life.

Tips & Warnings

Always practice self-hypnosis where you won't be disturbed.

Always allow yourself to be calm and peaceful during a session.

Relax and breathe while "deepening."

Never use hypnosis as a parlor game. Hypnosis is a very powerful tool that works.