How to Do Scalp Calisthenics for Headache Relief

How to Do Scalp Calisthenics for Headache Relief

If you suffer from occasional tension headaches, cluster headaches or migraines, you might find that some simple scalp calisthenics can be very helpful. At the very least, learning to control and relax the muscles in your scalp can usually minimize the severity and duration of the headache. If the calisthenics are done as soon as you feel the onset of the headache, they can often eliminate the headache entirely.


Sit quietly in a dark room and turn on some relaxing music. If you aren't at home, try to find a comfortable area where you won't be interrupted for a few minutes.


Concentrate on relaxing your entire body, focusing especially on your head and neck area. Breathe deeply.


Stretch and extend your fingers, and place your fingertips on each side of your head. With the soft, fleshy pads of your fingers, begin massaging your scalp, moving each finger in tiny circles. Be sure to use your thumbs too, because they can often apply more pressure.


Continue massaging in small circles, using medium to firm pressure, as you move your hands very slowly around your entire scalp area. Remember to relax and breathe normally as you massage. If you feel discomfort, decrease the pressure slightly.


Keep your fingertips in place on your scalp, and massage for several seconds in long, sweeping motions. Continue over the entire scalp.


Take a few seconds to breathe deeply and relax as you end your scalp calisthentics.